Loker Yogyakarta - Primary School Teacher
Global Islamic School (GIS) Yogyakarta
Kab. Sleman
25 Apr - 09 Mei 2024
Global Islamic School (GIS) Yogyakarta are hiring Primary School Teacher (Islamic Education, Classroom Teacher).
Detail Loker
■ Penempatan
Jl. Persatuan, Sanggrahan, Maguwoharjo, Kec. Depok, Kab. Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
■ Model Kerja
Work From Office
■ Waktu Kerja
Full Time / Non-Shift
■ Hari Kerja
6 Hari Kerja, 1 Hari Libur Weekend
■ Jam Kerja
• Jam 07:00-16:00, Hari Senin-Jumat
• Jam 08:00-15:00, Hari Sabtu
• Jam 08:00-15:00, Hari Sabtu
■ Nominal Gaji
■ Status Kerja
Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan
- According to the field of work
Kualifikasi Soft Skill
- Love children and teaching
- Dynamic, creative
- Cheerful personality
- Religious
- Able to work individually and good team leader
Kualifikasi Hard Skill
- Excellent in written and oral English
- Excellent English Classroom Instruction
- Fluent in reading Al-Qur’an and familiar in using technology effectively
Kualifikasi Administratif
- Pria/Wanita, Umur Maks. 35thn, Per Tgl. 09 Mei 2024
- Pendidikan S1 / S2 (in the related field required for the position)
- Minimal Pengalaman Kerja 2 Tahun
Persyaratan Bidang Pengalaman Kerja
- experience in education (practicing English as a conducting language would be advantageous)
Persyaratan Berkas Dilampirkan
- Pas Foto
- Daftar Riwayat Hidup
- Surat Lamaran Kerja
- Ijazah
- Transkrip Nilai
- Sertifikasi
Keterangan Tambahan
- Attach it to another relevant file sheet and certificates
#lokerprimaryschoolteacher #lokerglobalislamicschoolgisyogyakarta #lokersleman #lokerprimaryschoolteachersleman #lokers1 #lokers2intherelatedfieldrequiredfortheposition #lokers1sleman #lokers2sleman #lokers2intherelatedfieldrequiredforthepositionsleman #lokers2intherelatedfieldrequiredfortheposition #lokers1yogyakarta #lokers2yogyakarta #lokers2intherelatedfieldrequiredforthepositionyogyakarta
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